Welcome to
StandAlone Tech Solutions

We are the house of Tera Wallet, the most 5 star wallet plugin for WordPress. With your faith on us, we are working hard to create a better digital world for our beloved users, both old and new.

WordPress is an amazing platform for building websites, blogs and apps. It’s currently powering over 25% of the internet. With WordPress you can do anything from creating a blog to running your entire business. We specialize in custom WordPress development services, so that the world can start seeing your idea from imagination to reality

We do not over promise we over-deliver our promise.

We always start from where you are with your ideas and we think from the viewpoints of your end users, their areas of pain, and formulate a solution that solves key issues to help your business..


Our Development team remains in contact with customers through channels and media that allow performance, transparency and accuracy, feasible with all time zones across the World.


Right from the beginning we have a direct influence on the project. We take spontaneous feedback from our clients, their customers, and other stakeholders that have an impact on the product. .


We create digitally adaptable products, not just features. These are the real world problems and the solutions are futuristic.


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Core value

WordPress is a powerful CMS tool that enables you to create a custom digital experience for your audience.

We are an ecosystem of people, places and products. We are a part of the community, a place to belong in where we can collaborate and share our collective knowledge and experiences. WordPress is a tool which will give you the power to create something that would make your business unique and memorable.
