Digital-Tricksters Software Solutions Is the house of Moodle Plugin's

The Best Plugin's for Moodle Development.

If you’ve been following us for a while, or you’ve subscribed to our newsletter, you may be aware of our sister company Digital Tricksters Software Solutions(Link). Digital Tricksters Software Solutions (link) Is the house of Premium Moodle plugins like Course-Complex, Stripe Subscription, Paypal Subscription, OTP Based Registration, Membership Plan, Easy Moodle Students Sign up Plugins.

Now our users can avail the best Moodle products and services from us.
The ethics and quality of work from Digital Tricksters Software Solutions will be in line with that of Stanalone Tech Solutions , ensuring the same core company values are adhered to.

Who are Digital Tricksters Software Solutions

Digital Tricksters Software Solutions is made up of the current Development team within Standalone Tech, along with a New and vastly experienced Moodle and Mobile app development team led by none other than Mr. Suman Kumar Das , who is one of the best Solution Architect in our web development World. The Development team has now a huge boost of confidence due to Sumanwho has been guiding the Web development world for more than a decade with his standalone solutions.

No, the Developers at Digital Tricksters and Standalone Tech. really are a talented bunch.

As you already know that we already provide services on different LMSs like Moodle, Talent LMS, WP-LMS, Sensei, Totara; and WordPress, WooCommerce and their plugins and themes, Mobile applications, etc.

Now, we are stronger with more experienced developers and ultimate command over these platforms. Thy are the experts in each of these fields.

We helped MacFinder achieve £500k of additional revenue in just 12 months. Let’s talk about your business.


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