Hello everyone,
i have the following problem with TeraWallet. When a customer makes a purchase and his TeraWallet balance is greater than the purchase, in Woocommerce administration, the order should show €0.00 as the total paid. TeraWallet balance was €200.00.
This is the example with balance greater than spending:
Items subtotal: €88.52
Shipping: €0.00
Tax: €19.48
Total orders: €108.00
07/20/2023 via Wallet Payment
And there is no refund via wallet.
This is an example with a balance lower than the expense, here we see that the total paid is only the difference between the wallet and the bank transfer:
Items subtotal: €74.02
Shipping: €5.00
Tax: €16.28
Total orders: €28.70
11/07/2023 by bank transfer
Where instead the refund via wallet is present:
Refund Via wallet -€66.60